To shimmy; To climb up something using ones arms and shins, or to perform a trick during a football match (known as soccer in deprived countries such as the U.S., where they only play non-contact sports) where the performer feints to move in one direction while taking the ball in another direction. p.s. sports where the player uses a helmet or padding are classed as non contact.
The crackhead shimmied up the drainpipe into the open window on the first floor.
He wants to shimmy the defender.
Peter Crouch shimmied past the Ecuadorian defender. It resembled an iceskating giraffe.
by El Watusi June 28, 2006
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something you jam into something, to make it more stable.
can we get a shimmie to shove in the door, it's a little off and won't shut right?
by chaclyn August 26, 2008
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To get shafted or done wrong.
He shimmied me, he didn't give me enough money.
by Buck rodgers November 13, 2013
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To be in a state of total degeneracy as a result of alcohol and or drugs. You generaly act like a mutt and stumble uncontrolably resulting in taunts from on lookers and or the lia.
Look at that dude he is totally shimmied, what a degenerate mutt.
by Sampson the bird September 20, 2005
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