This had the same meaning as "crab" or "E-Ricket". Either way, it means dissin crips otha known az crabz



Really don't
"Man, im'a pop me some scrabz today my nigga, you down?", "Hellz yeah bro, I'm always down"
by Ace Bunnie December 11, 2006
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a medical term given to the scarring and/or spread of crabs due to persistant scratching of ones self in a rough manner.
"John what is wrong with you? You have been walking funny all day."

" it's embarrassing, but after getting with your wife, i got a bad case of the scrabs!"
by that0neni&ht! April 10, 2010
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A scab located on a man's scrotum.
Guy 1: I was going to give my girl a good dicking but I forgot I had scrabs.

Guy 2: That's fucking disgusting dude!
by reaganstump April 22, 2017
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A leet gun in Halo 2 in metropolas withch takes hours of practic to get
Dude i got the scrab gun last night
by ACE February 3, 2005
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a proper gigantic shit the size of a rugby ball that anlarges your anal cavity by 200% this stings so much it feels like someones just done a wet one in your left atrium
i just had a huge scrab
by St Dudley the V March 5, 2022
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A copy or an unoriginal; derived from a pre-existing form.
The original painting has been sold, but there is a scrab available for sale.
by swag shawty September 7, 2021
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