saucey: hip-hop lingo.. saucey as in easy flowing.. positive in meaning..
yo man your styles are saucey son!
plan-a-emcee is the sauciest M.C. around and if you don't know I will see you at Scribble Jam.
by (Anwar ) Plan-A-Emcee May 18, 2005
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sumn that's cool,raw,awesome,dope
keeny you saucey
by bro wid da juice April 26, 2016
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meaning weak or lame; not impressive
juice: omg did you see that gsx? OMG GSX, so tight.
tim: looked pretty saucey to me, kinda like you
by EliasC August 18, 2006
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Describes EVERYTHING and ANYTHING, used for anything, just nothing that is "retarted" or "un-saucey".
Nick: Dude that fat ass over there is wearing a thong!


Nick: Holy shit dude, look at that chick with that hot ass over there!

Jake: BEEFY!

Mike: Shut the fuck up you stupid butt pirate...

by Saucey4EvZ November 13, 2009
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Straight up HOMO. All-up-in-the-ass types.
That saucey bastard resorted to slappin ass and pulling hair in that wrestling match with Chimchim.
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The true meaning of the phrase "A HOLE." He'll stab you in the eye with a chopstick.
Saucey makes me sad.
by Balls!™ April 12, 2005
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Saucey Steve is the ultimate manager of the ultimate corporation: American Domino This mad lad created enough sauce to dry out the oceans and rivers on the planet and replace them with sauce. He works with his assoiciates, Toni Pepperoni Jalepeno Yec, Cowzone Tyrone, Salad Sam, Dojo, Coleslaw Deshaw, and Cheez Loueese.
Saucey Steve really makes the best sauce which is applied to the best pizzas now only 9.99 a slice!
by Saucey Steve January 3, 2019
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