The meaning 'sodomite' is a little old fashioned. More typically it's used as a softer form of 'fool', 'idiot', or 'bastard'.
He's a daft old sod, but you've got to love him.
by Keith Gaughan September 3, 2003
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f*cking. . .
You are a sodding bugger, Monkey sama.
by Murasaki December 13, 2003
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Brithish slang term meaning bastard
Aw buggger off you corney SOD
by Killzark August 26, 2009
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A british slang word for "fucking" or "bloody". Basically a way to express ones frustration.
My head does not look like a sodding tic-tac
by DogeMomentt July 20, 2020
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A girl (or guy) looking to "sit on dicks"
Whose going on SOD patrol tonight?

That girls looking to SOD.
by SODmirer July 30, 2013
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Originally 'sod' meant a clump of dirt or earth.

Now it is a soft curse word.
"he held the sod of earth in his hands"

"ah, sod you all!"

"you bloody sod!"
by CeliaMay February 4, 2006
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