"3 people have this info, and now you. Remember: SGS."
by TJaxon February 17, 2021
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an awesome guitar that works great as a "special situation" guitar (a guitar used for only certain songs at shows due to it's superiority at a certain type of guitar tone) the sg tends to be a great heavy metal/hard rock guitar
by guitarist1 November 18, 2006
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Short guy syndrome. A short often pudgy male, usually in his teenage years, that acts out toward everyone, especially his taller peers, to compensate for his lack of stature.
San Juan: "Why's Raup such a jerk all the time?"
Me: "Oh don't worry about him. He's got a really bad case of SGS."
San Juan: "Oh..."
by nottadoctor September 9, 2007
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A gamer that does not cheat, is a good sport, a good person, and someone that almost everyone would enjoy playing with.

A gamer who plays with respect for the game and for his or her opponents; that is, a gamer who puts the experience of gaming ahead of the thrill of victory.

A gamer that plays because they enjoy the experience of playing the game and the challenges it presents. They respect their opponents and teammates alike.

A gamer whose vocabulary lacks the SERIOUS use of the words Noob, Pwn, or Bitch.
That punk trash-talked me after he killed me. He's definitely not SG.

I really enjoyed playing against Omaj, he's definitely SG.
by Ace McKIlty January 18, 2006
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Her snap story: “I’m my own SGS 🥵”
Him: “ what’s SGS mean?”
Her: “it means Sexy Girl/Guy Saturday
by SexyGirlll June 9, 2019
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Means Streak Gang
Used on Snap Chat when sending a streak
by J.avvy October 29, 2017
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He is such a SG
by horgan August 19, 2008
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