Rhythmic Noise is a sub-genre, with its roots originally in power-noise and noise music. Rhythmic Noise consists of beats and rhythms, made using unconventional methods eg. pieces of metal;crunching noises etc.
Basically, rhythmic noise is made by using noises, in an ordered and rhythmic manner, thus the term "rhythmic noise".
one of the most well known rhythmic noise bands is "CONVERTER".
"this music sounds like noise, but it has a rhythm and even a beat, you can actually dance to it, it must be rhythmic noise..."

by R0b0tN1K January 18, 2008
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Having a wank while listening to music, then tugging to the beat.
Dude I was listening to Bring Me To The Horizon last night while watching porn. That was one hardcore "Rhythmic Wank".
by Joehay September 22, 2010
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texting two or more people rhythmically. as soon as you send one text, you get another. this requires much skill.
"I was doing some mad rhythmic texting last night with like, five people."
by Nos_addict January 25, 2009
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An activity (not a sport) dominated mostly by unattractive, pencil-thin eastern European girls with big foreheads. Consists mostly of juggling balls and clubs, rolling around on the floor, prancing around with a ribbon stick and tossing a rope back and forth to other unattractive, pencil-thin eastern European girls.

It's the perfect activity (not a sport) for high school color guard dorks and/or circus performers who would like to get into the Olympics.
Jacques Rogge is an effing douchebag who'd rather look at ugly girls playing with ribbons (rhythmic gymnastics)than ugly girls playing with balls. At least the ones who play with balls (softball players) have boobs.
by pity-da-foo August 26, 2008
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Very young children singing.

They have no sense of pitch or rhythm, so this is what you get.

See Kidz Bop
The karaoke at Great America was plagued by a sqaudron of little kids and their non-rhythmic chanting of already-awful pop music.
by Downvoting Victim February 13, 2011
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the act of creating rhythm that doesn't suck.
the rhythmicism in that new fangled "dubstep" trace/techno/house/electronica music is great!
by theletterandadot997 October 30, 2010
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The Lengthening of notes by equal lengths
Mozart uses rhythmic augmentation
by Realdog December 3, 2021
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