one who dates two and screws others and is honest with all of them.
maybe short for polyamorous.
by hytham_hammer July 14, 2005
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Slang for Polygamy or the practice of having more than one spouse at the same time
Did you know that Jerred, Noah, and Jamie are in a Poly relationship?
by SupremetheMeme January 13, 2021
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Poly is a shorten term for the people from the islands of Polynesia, like tongans, samoans, fijians etc.

by dont worry about my name October 1, 2006
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the word poly derives from the word polyneasian. it includes peoples from the races of,fiji, tonga, samoa, cook islands and also new zealand.
stranger 1:what nationality are those boys?

stranger 2:the're the poly boys don't mess with them
by puzle one April 25, 2008
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1.In Scotland, slang for police.
2.A city/state like ancient Athens. Athenian citizens voted in a pure democracy. Polis now means city, community, or those in power. Politics comes from the same word, as well as words like police and metropolis. "Apo tin akri tis polis" (From the edge of the city) was an outstanding gay movie that was Greece's official entry for the Best Foreign Film Academy Award.
"I really don't think of L.A. as a polis. It's too big. San Francisco, yes, but L.A. looks like one big strip mall."

"I heard Alexander the Great, accompanied by his lovers Hephaestion and Bagoas, established a polis in Eygpt called Alexandria. Its library housed many of the world's greatest books."

by Bryce Digdug August 16, 2006
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short for politick. in this sense, it means to converse, socialize or mingle
I gain wisdom when I poly wit' the older folks.

Poly with her for a while and then try to make a move on her.
by J-Dub Supreme June 23, 2005
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Slang term for Polyester, usually in reference to an article of clothing found in a thrift store by a person that is over excited by vintage clothes and favors synthetic fabrics over other types of cloth.
A: Woah look at that neck tie!
B: What about it?
A: NO way! It's 100% Poly!
B: Is that good?
A: Hell yeah! Silk is crap!
by J. Razimus Hughston January 21, 2006
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