Really means the British word for diaper.
"Timmy needs a nanny, I have to go to work I can't change his nappy all day."
by Soiled Undergarment August 13, 2003
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1. (n) (Originally) British word for diaper, derived from the word "napkin."

2. (adj) (Slightly newer colloquialism) Tightly coiled, natural and unaltered hair, commonly associated with those of African American descent who do not alter their hair chemistry.

3. (n) (Silly language) A kiddie way of saying "nap," and will often be used in the singular (nappy) or plural (nappies) interchangeably, often ignoring proper grammar rules.
The BDSM Master stroked his babygirl's beautiful nappy hair after fastening her adult sized nappy, asking her, "is my babygirl ready for nappies?"
by CLMonet23 October 8, 2017
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v. (nah-pee) - nappied (past)

The sadomasochistic sexual act of bringing a partner close to orgasm, and then physically assaulting their face just prior to climax with the intentions of preventing the climax. The assault is aimed to leave the partner with a black eye, which they must bare in shame until fully healed, also known as a nappi-mark.

The term can also be applied to any general setting in which a blue-ball effect occurs that leaves the recipient with a physical mark of abuse.
I went to bed with a girl last night, but got nappied before I got off. Hence why I can barely see out of my eye today.
by domaniac321 April 27, 2011
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An adjective used for describing how gross, unkempt, unclean, or how disheveled a person is.
Hayden is looking especially nappy today; he hasn't showered for 3 weeks!
by Butch #2 January 25, 2012
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A word used by some children to explain how they are feeling without using more accepted terms -- instead this meaning-neutral word conveys the speakers emotional state based on the pace, intonation and volume of the spoken word "nappy"
How was camp today? Nappy (said with enthusiasm and a smile)!
by SoWakie August 16, 2017
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When ever you feel tired and ready to take a nap.
Guy 1: "Hey bro let's go set a homeless man on fire"
Guy 2: "Nah man, I have had a long day and feel nappy, maybe after I take a nap"
by JohnJaxion February 13, 2013
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a word often used to describe one's hair when it is not straightened in some way(perm, relaxer, straightening comb), when one's hair is in small tight curls, could be used as an adjective to describe someone else's hair.
I need a perm, my newgrowth is growing out, and it is really nappy.
by fedouble82 September 29, 2003
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