Short for Motivational Poster. Although, strictly speaking, if it is called a MoPo, it probably isn't very motivational. Just in the same style as a Motivational Poster.
Someone should make a MoPo of this.

This MoPo is awesome. I lol'd.
by Andelicious August 30, 2008
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MoPo is short for the "morning poop".
I'm like clock work! I wake up. Wash up. Sit in front of my computer and then I have to go and take my MoPo.
by SupaMD June 26, 2007
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Abbreviation for Morgan Park High School in Chicago.
Mike went to MoPo for his freshman year of high school.
by soleilswag December 12, 2009
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A pubic hair that has escaped and found itself on your keyboard at work.
Guy 1: What just fell out of your nose onto my keyboard?
Guy 2: I don't know
Guy 1: Ewwwww it was a MOPOS
by Celebrity's Cousin April 21, 2011
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The Rent-a-Cops that roam the malls.
I got chased by the MoPo for stealing the CD.
by Rich January 28, 2005
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