it literally means ur mom in arabic ( moroccan or darija)
moroccan boy : *gets in a fight with some one

some one: ur a peice of shit go kys useless hmar
moroccan boy: mok.
by sadmad January 29, 2022
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its a swear word that only certain people use. It is used to mock the people with the surname mok. It is mostly used by people who have a dig bick.
mok you
what the mok
piece of mok
Mok you you piece of mok.

Hey you piece of mok.

by carmok69 February 26, 2020
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although a Mok refers to a man with a large penis it was used to refer to a certain group of people at one time. Some time B4 Christ, the Jews exiled a group of people they referred to as Moks. On there departure the towns people lined up in the streets and would poke fun at the Moks hence the word "mocking". Later conflict would arise between the two group but many ancient history leaves these invents untouched due to there graphic and insignificant outcomes.
_Hey Lou you heard about the Moks and the Jews?
Nah... who where they?
_I don't know, i though you would know since your Jewish?
Nope ill ask my parents tonight.
by MJFigs March 14, 2011
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The noisy and raucous exchange between one or more crows and one or more cows.
Would you listen to all of that mok out there? Sometimes I wish we had never moved here to Golden Guernsey Acres.
by Michael Ely January 27, 2004
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An extremely unsanitory version of the dirty sanchez which involves the use of a donkey, three whores, a rubber chicken, and a midget. This form is very rare and only used in extreme situations. It was founded after an epic moment in Mrs. Mok's bed.
-Hey baby....let's Mok.

-WTF? no! im not that freaky

-Alright I'm gonna go Chu with Fares then.
by William Mueller October 6, 2006
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Jesus bru, after I downed that tequila last night I sommer wanted to mok!
by Robmanman August 27, 2007
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Mok is used in Austalia as a synonym for dogass
did you se the dog? he was fucked in his mok
by scileri August 6, 2009
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