Marshie is a kind incredible person who is so swag and amazinf
"have you seen marshie today?"
"no.. I wish I did tho"
by Scowot April 28, 2021
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Sup Fools! I'm Marshie! He is a spokesperson for Fluffy Puff Marshmallows who dressed as a toenail eating vampire for halloween and has a bitemark on his head. Strong Bad thinks that he's a flying mushroom, and Mr. Shmallow is probably his grandpa, whose grave he comes out of in the commercial.
They're fluffity... They're puffity... 1 2 3 4.. 5.
by marshie October 29, 2003
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Go out to a bar load up on as much drinking and smoking as you can while you're sick. Arrive at your friend's/cousin's/ sister's house after partying and have them pick you up some fast food. Fall asleep on the living room floor while your friend and his girlfriend sleep on the couch next to you. After a few hours the mixture of cigarettes, alcohol, fast food and having the flu will be mixed together. Wake up! run to the bathroom with your mouth and asshole ready to fire ! leave the door wide open and start puking into the toilet. After the first five minutes start shitting and blowing ass as well. if you do this right you will wake up everyone in the house with the sounds of pissing out of your asshole and mouth.
My grandparents let me stay at their house last night do to the fact I was drunk as fuck. When I woke up grandma said I pulled a Marshy last night.
by wakeskater89 February 17, 2011
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Seriously fucked up marshmallow that's going to have sent me to psychotherapy for years.
1930s Homestar referring to Marshie: "That monster gone give me nightmares."
by sux0r February 3, 2008
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A person who is a loser. Characteristics may include being a tryhard, someone who can't pick up girls, sexually confused, and may hold a heavy reliance on using the internet to make friends.
Person 1: Man, I havent had sex in 4 years.

Person 2: LOL Marshy

Person 1: Yeah, I must be gay.
by Pancho1 September 23, 2007
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