Fun ass game in which one person is "it" and counts to 10 while the other players run away. The person then chases them and tries to catch them and hold on to them and saying "Manhunt 1-2-3" three times. If you succeed in this, the person who you caught is now "it" with you and has to help you catch the other players. Game continues until everyone is caught. Also known as "Ringo" in some circles.
"Yo let's play manhunt! That shit was mad fun last time!"
by Jason Vernon March 19, 2004
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Unedited Manhunter dialogue-

Tooth fairy- Open your eyes, or I will weld your eyelids to your forehead.

Mr. Lowndes- I just realized, I'm a bitch ass motherfucker, it wasn't you, that's why I've been unfair to you. I will never write another lie in the Tattler about you if you let me go.
by The Original Agahnim July 7, 2021
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A Rockstar PC Game.

About a lone hobo named James Earl Cash, a man sentenced to death who becomes "revived" by a man known as The Director, to kill gangs for The Director's amusement.

James Earl Cash is also rumoured to be a pedophile and a pervert sentenced for an unknown (to the gamer) "hideous" crime.
James Earl Cash: Just shut up and stick with me if you want to stay alive! (Manhunt quote)
by DeanNJ March 19, 2007
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1. a sorta hide-and-go-seek game played usually at night.

2. code word for kids ages 13-15 to say they're going to play "manhunt" but actually are just going to smoke some marijuana
1. let's go out at 9 and play manhunt!

2. hey buddy!, u wanna go play "manhunt" with a couple of people.
by Afroholic April 30, 2005
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Male stimulation represented in the form of erectile penile tissue, formed when only possible to be stimulated my male nakedness.
1. Gettin your "Rod On" in a male shower room.
2. Poor soft pornography where only view is of a male arse bobbing up and down.
by iTough September 28, 2004
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a game that is rarley acually played, but extreamly funn.

code for get the hottest girl/guy you can find and go makeout with them.
heyy you wanna go play "manhunt"?

go get people for manhunt.
by rachel n August 9, 2007
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the most fuckn shitest game ever made its not even good dont buy it its a fuckn waste of fuckn money if u really want it fuckn dl it off some shit site i mean this is a poor excuse of a fuckn game and if u like it fuckn get a fuckn life without fuckn killing fuckn everyone and stop fuckn swearing ya fuckn wankers
manhunt is teh 1337 gay lets blow some ppl up now woo
by mystic_force August 22, 2004
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