The name of a famous play by WIlliam Shakespeare. Follows the exploits of the English soldier Macbeth, who kills the English king Duncan to become the king of the English empire, only to be brought down by General MacDuff, who wanted for the death of his family by Macbeth's order. Macbeth also has a wife, Lady Macbeth, who goes insane after conspiring with Macbeth.
"Out, damned spot, out!"
by crazyrabbits May 10, 2005
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infant flatulence that don't result in any actual business - "full of sound and fury, / Signifying nothing."
From the sound of things, I thought that Abby had made a big messy, but it turned to just be a Macbeth.
by A Father January 18, 2009
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Actually, Macbeth became the King of Scotland, not England.

Macbeth is stupid. William Shakespeare is dead. Middle English is dead. So WHY are we still reading his works?
"Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day
To the last syllable of recorded time,
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing."
by Carter May 17, 2005
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This dude that was made up by this guy called Shakespeare.
I'm reading this novel called Macbeth it sure sucks!
by Glom March 17, 2005
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Sexual fantasies thought by desperate poets. (search "kister" for an example)
My macbeths got randy last night!!
by Holly Whittaker February 4, 2005
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The action of convincing someone to take violent action in order to remove someone in power who is above said person.
"This office needs a real leader someone who can take charge and cut out the middle man *drops knife* whoops" "Dude you are totally Lady Macbething me right now!!"
by 221B Bakerstreet May 27, 2014
An unpleasant, cruel, or maliciously insane woman. The female incarnation of Evil Itself.

Often used to refer to female math teachers.

Taken from the the unpleasant character in Shakespeare's Macbeth.
Student: Who do you have for math next semester?
Friend: Mrs. Whitman, you?
Student: Roberts. Wait--Did you say Whitman?
Friend: Yeah, why?
Student: Watch out, man. She's like freaking Lady Macbeth.
by Lady Chevalier May 12, 2005
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