Most Stupid Answer.
Commonly said to reproach the use of a typical statement.
A: Haha, we won. Take that!

B: Noob team

A: /msa on
A: Yeah, noob team -.-'
A: /msa off
by -SaLeM- December 30, 2011
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means “my single ass” which means your single and your need a boo.
Sally: I need to get msa a man.

Jill: Me too!
by oof feelings June 3, 2019
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Abbreviation of "mi sona ala", the toki pona equivalent of idk
> jan Kali o, ni li seme?
> msa.
by aselen June 12, 2022
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short for mad shit attack.

When you have a sudden and urgent need to take a shit.
I had an MSA while walking to the bar the other day, so I went in someones backyard and wiped with an old newpaper.
by Jack Burton October 3, 2004
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a Youtube channel (previously called My Story Animated) where they tell and animate these made up story's about some fake persons crazy life.
Person 1: Hey have you seen MSA's new video? Person 2: No I haven't! I'll watch it now
by Imtotallynotavirgin September 19, 2022
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Metropolitan statistical area. Long way of saying suburbs.
bjhgsdbnjkdjgsbhkgsbhjgfbhjgfj nbhbhkehjgjkbgf guyifbhfbhjdfhj
by DJ-BILLZ March 14, 2005
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