Landy is a FUCKING GORGEOUS man, he is the CUTEST thing in the known universe, and if you meet a landy he will hip-fire your heart with his pure unfiltered eternal love
Man he’s really cute he’s such a landy
by For sure not someone you know October 23, 2019
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Sexy, hot and causes the deepest arousal
Liv is looking Landy today🥵
by Durraz69 October 12, 2020
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The guy who thinks niggas like him. his dick hurts cause he gets boner. hates fortnite. cancer gamer and shares negativity. he plays rainbow six siege
Matt: Hello wanna play fortnite?
Landy: no shitnite rainbow is better
by Russian vader November 14, 2018
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A white-washed Asian kid born in Canada during the 20th Century. A.K.A relationship adviser
YO, LANDY! Wanna get Starbucks?

DUDE, Landy, gimme some relationship advice!

Landy, your way better than Yujin at relationship advice!
by Urban Dictionary [OFFICIAL] December 20, 2016
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Landis is a badass motherfucker who kicks ass and gets laid wherever he goes. People always think Landis is so hot
by Da real beotch October 5, 2017
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A name having American origin meaning "rough land" or "land ruler."

It is rare enough as a last name but considered unique as a first.
by Quiksilver15 August 6, 2007
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