To konk
Be konked.

Being hit on the head by something or someone.

Or to konk someone with your palm or an object.
jack - "Sarah threw the tennis ball and it konked me right on the head"
by LeahSade November 23, 2006
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Alternate spelling (or maybe the guys at TSG just don't know how to spell) for the word conk. It refers to a means of straightening frizzy hair, or the resulting hairstyle subsequent to such straightening.
We found this one in the FBI file of Jack Lord, the late star of Hawaii Five-0 and the only white guy to wear a konk. -- From The Smoking Gun Archive.
by Yakityak August 19, 2006
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literally means "cock" and is often used instead of "dickhead"
"Dude, you're a fucking konk."
"At least I have one."
by Johnson Kato July 26, 2016
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A Korean. Also known as a spoon-face or shovel-head.
Derived from the Japanese word "Kankokujin" (pronounced Kahn-koe-koo-jin) , meaning "Korean". Typically used as an insulting slur to reffer to a korean person. Unlike other racial slurs like "nigger", koreans are for the most part unaware of the meaning of this word and will thus not take offense when it is mentioned in front of them.
Korean: *Yells something in korean at john, then turns to his korean friends and bursts out laughing*

John: "Sorry, me no speaky spoon-face you lousy konk."

Korean: *Walks away unoffended and unpreturbed*
by dilman-7 March 8, 2007
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Being the recipient of consensual anal penetration by the most highly educated house staff at a prestigious university hospital.
If you go out with that resident, you're likely to get konked.
by 1576 January 5, 2014
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A konk is a person who wears a mask, but leaves their nose (or konk) poking out over the top, thus rendering the mask wearing process for them utterly pointless.
Oh dear, there's Lots of konks in work today......
by CyberPony August 14, 2020
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Person 1: What’s something weird that you enjoy?
Person 2: Oh you mean my konk? I prefer applesauce instead of marinara on my spaghetti
by Umyeet June 24, 2018
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