a quick karate chop-like strike to the exposed underarm of another. Once perfomed, the striker must exclain, JOVAN! in triumph of his/her success. If the striker\'s hand is caught in the armpit of the target, the target then gets to perform a \"double jove\" to both underarms of the attempted striker. this complicated process encompasses many special rules which change almost daily. it originated in 1999 in pelham, new york.
\"i caught you...free double!\"
by pelham April 17, 2006
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A European man who is an amazing cop and gentleman with glasses and blonde hair:) Has such a great smile! He is an incredible person with an amazing character and personality:) luckiest person to ever know him!:) One of the most respectful and big-hearted people you’ll ever meet with the biggest love for his family! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Jovan is amazing!
by yoyo9 October 23, 2018
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A guy that is extremely excellent in playing pubg. Girls just cant get enough of him . Just the mire sight of him turns girls on. He is incredible in 1v4 clutch. A guy who you can't help fall in love with.
I want to be a Jovan. Your playing with Jovan? Lucky!
by TitengIyakin June 14, 2021
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me: h-
jovan: in case you forgot im gay
by theknowerofthings August 9, 2018
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To be late for something all of the time, or generally not paying attention. Also someone who keeps everyone waiting and not caring about it.
Oh he’s doing a Jovan again !!!
by TheBigDog123 June 1, 2020
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A derogatory term used to insult a Russian communist dedicated to excessive exercise.
"Dammit Greg. Stop being a fricking Jovan. You gotta come hang with us."
"That guy is such a Jovan."
by The White Splasher May 14, 2018
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A slang for a gay man , who has a small penis
Man that guy was such a jovan
by bulevard September 10, 2018
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