The best godamn thing ever created. The name came from Jurassic Park because they plant was used in the movie jurassic park and the first letters of those words is J.P. And it is seriously the coolest thing on the earth and i love it to hell and stuff.
Dude look, a family of J.P. Weed!
by pimpmasterM May 19, 2003
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Infamous robber-baron who didn't mind filling the funeral homes with corpses just so that he and his "rich-bug" cronies could continue "living the good life".
I try to be very careful with my finances so that I don't have to take out any loans, and I avoid the NYSE like the plague; with these wise practices, I hopefully won't fall victim to any modern-day J.P. Morgueans.
by QuacksO September 30, 2018
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He is stupidly retarted and likes running around class screaming TIGER! If you meet him your luck will go down 75%. He loves everyone and is gay. He kisses boys and hates people named liam hernandez, Chase Lincaco, Asha Burnaford,and everyone in Egremont.
J.P sucks.
by J.P Albert February 17, 2020
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usually a person with a pretty big penis, and a great personality to match. it could stand for initials, while also sneakily meaning Jumbo Penis.
I love my J.P., he’s such a Taurus and so good in bed.
by ilovemybabyboyfor3ver January 29, 2019
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