what is given after sucking a part of the body (neck, chest, etc.)causing the blood vessels to break and leaving a bruise.
My boyfriend gave me the biggest hickey, i had to put cover-up on it.
by Jessica January 6, 2005
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when a partner sucks your neck or arm that leaves a mark/bruise as a form of love

considered a love bite
"Yo Stephanie gave me 8 hickey's last night"
"Sick bro"
by InTheBum August 8, 2017
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smooch or kissing marks on any parts of your body while you are making out with your lover. you'll presse your lips on your lover's body-parts and sucks hard till the reddish mark appears.
Jim is so angry when he notices that there is a hickey on his daughter's neck because he knows who did it.
by Adia March 13, 2005
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When you suck on someones neck to the point of leaving a huge red mark which can also turn purple or maroon if done right by breaking the blood vessels. Fun to get. Until your parents find out.
Boy: "I love you so much I wanna break your blood vessels!!"
Girl: you mean a hickey?
Boy: yea!
GIRL: I hope my parents don't see it...
by trevham February 22, 2010
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A wonderful thing,were someone breaks your skin by sucking on it and biting leaving a mark
That felt a great,thanks for the hickey
by Ur_mum_gae_lul March 23, 2020
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the act of sucking ones neck. feels amazing but after when you realize you have to go home and have a giant reddish purple mark on the middle of your neck it isn't so amazing!
cover with lots of make up scarves and hair.
damn you got a hickey.. your gonna be in trouble.
by bladdy December 1, 2009
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