
Ray:tell Taylor hms
by K_.gurl🤪 February 11, 2019
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a word mostly women use that institutes intense wonder in the guy, thus giving her such power in only one small grunt-type majiig.

It is also used to make other people wonder what you're thinking about, or is used to pretend you're listening...
guy: "I'm so sorry, I tried calling you."
girl: "hm"

by Revlen March 1, 2006
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High maintainence. Usually refering to a woman.
Person 1: You see that girl with the prada bag checking out the dude in the shiny shirt?

Person 2: Yeah, she is crazy HM.
by Bruler May 4, 2004
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HMS or How Many Stell's is the scale of rating the looks of a girl on the basis of how many Stella Artois it would take to engage in sexual relations with them.

The rating spans from 0-15 0 being the lowest 15 being the highest.

NOTE: It is always based on straight PINTS and bad ratings can lead to diciplinarys within the group of lads. If you see a 0 stells candidate then they can then be rated out of 5 as a more accurate rating 5 being a highest.
Lewis: Hey Jake!

Jake: Yeah

Lewis: HMS?

Jake: What her?

Lewis: Yeah the red head!

Jake: Thats a standard 0 Stells man!

Lewis: You know! Nill Poits
by SECbois November 7, 2011
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Can be used as an unnecessary extension to a question.
What's with all these people wearing stupid colorful socks--do they think they distract people away from realizing how boring and unoriginal they actually are, hm?
by burlwood November 4, 2015
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High maintenance. When someone takes their sweet time getting ready and making everyone wait for them so they can put on their eye lashes and fake nails.
You are so HM Kim! I can't handles.
by Ceewok September 16, 2014
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“Hm.” can be used as a term for when you don't feel like your important to anyone and have no sense in the world. It also mean's that you don’t feel like an important person in your life cares because you did something that you didn’t know makes them mad and you rather know or don’t know what you did.

It also means that you don’t wanna talk to anyone at all because you feel shitty and turn all notifications off of everything so people can’t reach out to you. Kinda like ghosting.
Her: *Leaves you on opened multiple times after saying/doing something”
Him: Hm. *Turns notifications off for rest of the night/day*
by XuArcher March 17, 2022
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