a person who is flabby, chubby, fat, etc.
OMG Clarissa you are sooooo flabbers. Cut down on the carbs!!!
by cittymeowmeow123;) July 4, 2021
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once used to describe a person that is such a noob at something that they should not do it at all.
"jeff was such a flabber at gaia that i kept reporting him and he got banned"
by yurilover September 8, 2008
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Use the flabber word in an example sentence
by Bleh September 8, 2003
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To have intercourse with your "feline friend" on top of a sky scraper.
"I did 'hibber flabber' yesterday",said Billy . "Your one sick piece of crap" said Ron.
by Word that are the truth February 18, 2018
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When a man becomes so fat that he can dab with his belly.
by Beeg nene May 21, 2020
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