The act of simultaneously pooping and ejactulating. Term comes from the combination of the words jizz and feces. This usually happens when something is so exciting and/or arousing that it causes one to not only ejaculate, but also shit oneself. Fizzing can often be accompanied by loud outbursts, moaning, and hurried trips to the bathroom.
Jon: "Wow, did you see Ronaldo's goal last night?"
Bob: "Yeah, it was awesome. I saw it on Sportscenter and started fizzing."
by reddevil2345 June 17, 2009
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1). To trip (to get high) on exstacy
2). To be goofy with friends
3). Something that makes a fizzing sound when wet.
Dude, u gonna fizz tonight?
by King Jeff August 10, 2005
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The opposite of Rizz - being completely unable to flirt or throw game. Fizz is referred to a substance that quickly fizzles out or disappears. Like some people's confidence in speaking to their object of attraction.
Carlos: Seriously bro? You think saying "Your hair looks small" is a compliment?
Daniel: I was nervous, you know how I get around Emily!
Carlos: You've got major fizz, bro. We need to work on that.
by A random nobody :) September 11, 2023
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(Fart Jizz)
When one farts jizz after anal sex.
"Jasmine totally fizzed after I put it in her butt."
by Flibbety jibbet March 17, 2016
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To consume alcohol faster than the liver can process it; to get drunk.
Let's get together and get fizzed all night.
by Tony February 3, 2005
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Australian abbreviation for fizz-gig. A police informer. Usually a petty criminal who informs on others to the police in return for payment, or a reduction in penalty when he is caught committing a crime himself. Sometimes shortened to gig.
Imreckon that Bob is a fizz-gig. I saw him talking to two drug squad cops last night.

I think Bob fizzed on Tom because those cops then went to ztom's house and arrested him for drugs.
by House Martin February 19, 2013
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The slang term for soda that is used in the Rocky Mountain region of the United States. Like the Midwest has "pop"....the Rocky Mountains have fizz.
Chelsea and I are so thirsty! Hey kiki, can u pass us a fizz.
by jumbojet11 August 14, 2007
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