Cankles for a skinny person. Sounds more appealing than cankles!
Dude, she's so fucking skinny but she has fankles!
by CassZo November 8, 2010
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A fat woman who displays disrespectful / feminist / entitlement characteristics, like an ankle does.

A delusional, overweight woman.

"That fankle needs to stop thinking she's a diva and lose weight!"
by MGTOW March 31, 2008
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1. Extremely ugly, hideous
2. An extremely messed up object, person, or situation
1. I'd probably hit that if her face wasn't so fankled.

2. I was fankled the morning after we hit that yayo.
by John Cocktoastin November 28, 2002
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much like a cankle
but when the foot grows into the ankle
"Holy Shit! Her fankles ate her shoes!"
by grrg May 4, 2005
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A condition with excessive ammounts of fat around the ankle.
Damn after all that KFC Vanessa has huge fankles!
by Noureem March 6, 2006
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A face cankle. A face that is so fat that there is no definition between the chin/jaw and the neck. Similar to where the calf meets the ankle but ends up being a cankle due to the fact that there is no defining spot where the calf changes to ankle.
my face is an example. i keep a beard so that people can distinguish my jawline as i have a fankle
by Zonny November 20, 2012
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Fupa that hangs down to the kankels
by Bob October 12, 2004
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