My friend's cat OC on The MoonLight-Chronicle
"Hey Effie!"
by Skypath October 15, 2011
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Manipulative twat who desperately seeks attention from her ex. She’ll do anything to keep him from moving on with his life despite the fact that her craziness and betrayals were the reason he left her in the first place. Won’t take responsibility for her own actions. Likes to cause strife and drag her kids into her self inflicted mama drama.
That woman is such an Effie. She doesn’t see her own flaws and just can’t let go.
by Bubbly24 October 16, 2018
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A person who f*cks a lot. A person devoted to having frequent or unusual sex. Sex addict. A person who gives away sex to anyone who asks.

From the first letter of the word "f*ck."
The man who hit on you at that club was an Effie.
by JavaJaneOhio December 6, 2011
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A short, crazy, redhead who wear hoodies almost constantly. She smart, sweet, but kinda dumb too. She also a physcopath and if you make her mad enough she will probably kill you or scar you for life at the least. She also gets very easily confused.
Effie is basically a crazier version of oprah.
by Cowbuddy1919 July 11, 2018
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Describing someone/something cool, hot, fresh, etc.
Person 1: Wow! I love those shoes! They match with my clothes.
Person 2: Yeah, that is so effie.
by Coron July 24, 2006
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An amazing girl who all the guys and girls want. She's amazing and really funny but some our jealous of how many friends she's got. She's a bit mysterious but in a sexy way. She is usually ridiculously attractive and when she laughs she looks like a goddess.
"Oh my god that girl, i have to date her!"
"Yep she's hot, definitely an Effy"
by Ginger ninja February 28, 2018
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