Human form of hibernation. Where a person ends all social contact with other people in the name of the internet.
"Is Lewis coming out tonight?"..."no he's gone into cybernation"
by Augustus Scott Kennedy November 15, 2007
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when somebody is usually online all the time, due to a hardline, constant internet source, and then disappears for more than forty eight hours without a trace
guy 1: "dude, i didn't see you online this weekend. where were you?"
guy 2: "sorry bro, i was cybernating"
by majero March 24, 2004
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When someone swears off social networking sites such as facebook or myspace for an extended period of time only to come crawling out of their cave by the following season. Usually done in cases of bad breakups on facebook, bragging rights for self-righteousness amongst friends, or a neighbor putting a password on their wireless internet connection. Can be used in verb form as cybernate (ing.)
I've been on facebook too much lately, maybe I should go into cybernation.
by bri777 January 13, 2011
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The state of being in physical isolation at home, but widely connected to others via technology.
Everyone is cybernating since the Covid19 lockdowns.
by CaptainCalamazoo March 28, 2020
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The act of using electronics in a secluded place for long periods of time
Richard has been cybernating all day

Phil you sick and tired of cybernating
by Art of english September 18, 2019
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Original definition: To control (an industrial process) by computer, as per Free Dictionary...and just as I thought i came up with something original, uh, I guess that's one of the drawbacks of sharing cyberspace with a cybillion or so others, however not the word, but my interpretation thereof differs, significantly, albeit hybernating in cyberspace.
You've been beary busy cybernating lately.
by Hercolena Oliver May 15, 2008
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Cybernation is a word combining the words 'cyber' and 'hibernation'.
It has two possible definitions:

1) Cybernation is when someone cuts off all links to the outside world for prolonged periods of time (except their internet connection) and basiclly lives on/ with/ next to their computor.

2)Cybernation is when someone does not go on their computor for prolonged periods of time spec. social networking sites and the likes.

In both cases, it refers to cuting off social links in the computing and/or outside world, annoying others who want to communicate with them.

Forms: Cybernation; Cybernating; Cybernate; Cybernated
Richard: Have you spoken to Jonathon lately?

Darren: No, I think he's in cybernation...
by Igloo Ninja February 25, 2011
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