To confuse in a puzzling way, often purposely.
Instead of answering your parents' question, confuzzle it and redirect their attention.
by Nahhthere October 31, 2019
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A heightened state of bewilderment and puzzlement, usually caused by the individual in question not understanding the situation or conversation.
by Kitty Raaaa May 11, 2004
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(noun) the state of being confuzzled, i.e., confused
The perplexing quandary left her in a state of confuzzlement.
by wandersfar February 17, 2006
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1. The feeling when you are confused while also extremely puzzled about what is going on and not knowing at all what to do.

2. When your emotions are all over the place and you have no idea what you truly feel.

Usually independently made up by a random middle school boy boosting his ego and feeling proud about himself "coming up with a new word."
Josh was confuzzled about what to feel when his friend Sarah supposedly cheated on his best friend Terrance, but also somehow continued to like her at the same time and not knowing the full story of what exactly occurred.
by An0nny442 March 18, 2023
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Basically, the combination of puzzled and confused, having no idea what the fuck is going on.
by AwayWeGo April 11, 2010
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confused, mixed-up, experiencing surreal disorientation as if in a swirling, dizzy dream
by joesuburbs April 12, 2006
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