The most beautiful girl you will ever meet. Very passionate and loving. Also very caring. She's there for you when you need her. She's not perfect, buts she's absolutely worth it.
by Celines KayLee February 6, 2015
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Celine is a crackhead, but you can't live without her, she is literally one of the best people you will meet in your life. All i gotta say is that, if you get her pissed, wait for her to text back first.
"wow, you're such a Celine."
by Lonelyloser February 14, 2019
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A beautiful french name. Of a woman that has blue and green eyes. She is a lush best friend. At times its hard to care for Celine because she thinks she can hide anything. BUT its always noticeable to find out what's going on. She is a stubborn woman but push her buttons to an extent and you'll find answers! This woman you wouldn't want to leave. Celine understands every aspect of the person she is dating. Incredibly coureagous with an I don't care attitude. That most find attractive. Can be emotionally attached but has there boyfriend falling in trances. Hypnotizing to the MAX. Celine is very very sexy european. A freak in the sheets. Always willing to jump your bones. Finds people who are sweet and outgoing the most attractive. But are stubborn and fiesty at the same time. She will drownd you in love and emotions that are overwhelmingly warm to the heart. She is addicting and can sexually satisfying to anyone with 0 confidence. Because she is that much of a sex addict. Trustful to the one she loves. Loves late night conversations and a good laugh that will make her run to the restroom. Celine is a woman that you cannot get bored of. Her personality is astonishing. Never a dull moment with Celine. Fights for her lover. An amazing girlfriend she is. Keep her happy and she'll make you fall hard.
Pulling a Celine!

All of my ex girlfriends are jealous of her. I don't blame them because look at how beautiful she is!

I'm a lucky bastard! Celine is mine.
by Dre Omar Jelise April 2, 2013
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Celine is a girl who doesn't care what people think. She is shy when you first meet her until she warms up to you. A Celine is beautiful, nice, there for everyone, will take people back even if they hurt her or her friends, she can be indecisive, impatient, and she is short.

Girl 1: Celine is so nice
Girl 2: Ikr she is still good friends with her ex even though he is an asshole
Celine is such a nice person.
by ~BooBoo<3 November 18, 2019
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Celine. What an extravagant name. She is a kind hearted, adorable and loving person. Her personality is one of a kind. She can brighten your day with just her smile, actually, just seeing her makes your day. Celine is like a god send, great appearance; excellent personality. Whenever she confronts you, your heart explodes and you are facing one angelic human being. Honestly though, Celine is amazing.
Dude 1: Man Celine is gorgeous, every time I see her I feel so soothed
Dude 2: Right?
Dude 1: I think I'm in love...
Dude 2: Yeah...
Celine: Hello!
Bob: Uh... h-hi!
Bob's Mind: Shit! Celine got me stuttering!
by startrekfan89 August 19, 2018
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Is amazing, most beautiful person you will ever meet, has a big heart, and people always think she's an attention seeker. She's beautiful outside and her personality is one of a kind. Really unique. Always puts others before herself, cares about others problems even if she has more serious ones. Most girls want to be her, and they end up feeling jealous. People usually misjudge her, and she goes through more than you ever will in your lifetime. Knows how to treat a guy well, and is adorable with most guys, the longest relationships she'll never remember and will always dream about their memories, even if they've broken up. She hides her tears with smiles, and she hides her feelings with 'i'm fine'.

Don't ever judge anyone called Celine, they go through alot, and i know because my best friend, has been through so much, but she never puts herself first, she always asks me about my problem, she's beautiful inside and out. I'm not just saying this because she's my best friend, but also because i know this. There are a few other girls in my school called Celine and they're so pretty and have lush hair but they're personality is amazing.
"Look at Celine, she's beautiful. Have you ever spoken to her before? She has the most amazing personality."

"Every guy she's with, she looks so cute and they look perfect together. So jealous of her"

"I wish i was like her, people misjudge her, but then they get to know her, and they become really close. Her teeth are so straight it's unreal."
by meloniepapeya January 9, 2013
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A gorgeous and amazing girl. Look for the word fun and able to make you smile, you would see the word Celine. She normally has an hour glass frame with small, plump lips and blue or green eyes. Normally blond or sometimes brunette, and is very creative.
"She's very unique and creative, her name Celine, suits her well"
by emellia January 17, 2009
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