Blue and green is made to symbolize eating disorder awareness
You are not alone. Use the colors blue and green to represent eating disorder awareness without being too direct.
by matter*13 April 8, 2022
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THE HOTTEST FUCKIN COLORS EVER!!!! Makes people super horney!!!
that girl is hot because she has a blue and green shirt
by Bangie September 16, 2008
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They're colours, What the fuck were you thinking???
Dream stan: 'oH lOoK bLuE aNd GrEeN, tHeY mUsT sHiP dNf~'
by ThtGenderfluidFryingPan December 18, 2021
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Royal Blue & Lime Green - if you pull this color scheme

Off your badass .
Nikki wore a royal blue dress , lime green high heels

And lime green belt to the party .

Royal Blue & Lime Green ftw.
by Blu_leef June 29, 2023
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Big hair, bigger heart. A green ice tea enthusiast who's always chewing mint gum.
"Hey did you see that blue Greene over there"

"Ya dude. I heard she likes green tea."
by Jamison Anderson May 6, 2017
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Damn, did you see that Blue Greene? Shes got a sizzling personality
by Joe smith king May 13, 2017
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