To discharge a handgun, usually a 9mm, in the direction of an enemy or a rival gang.
Im gonna bust a cap in his punk ass
by HeavenlyHost July 4, 2003
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1.Man that "fiddy sent" busted a cap in his ass.
2.I busted a cap in "Fiddy sents" asss
by ub3r n00b3r September 24, 2004
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To discharge a round of ammunition from a firearm, usually a handgun.
Fuck wit me, and I'll bust a cap in yo ass biatch!!!!
That fool was disrespectin' a brutha so I had to straight bust a cap in his ass!
by Streetsouljah September 6, 2006
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To unload your gun on someone and ultimatley, kill them. A very popular activity in the ghetto.
Nigga 1: Hey you want some of dis sheeit?
Nigga 2: Ah, I don wan dat shit.
Nigga 1: I don give a fuck, I don't play that shit, and I'm about to bust a cap motha nigga.
by jakrel August 13, 2005
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Generally thought to mean shooting someone; often used in rap slang.

This is incorrect.

"Bust a cap" comes from 1890-1920 Irish gangs, in New York City. It referred to breaking someone's kneecaps.
MacDonald refused to pay tribute, we had to send our enforer Murphy down there to bust a cap.
by VivaRedChe September 30, 2009
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To discharge a round of ammunition from a firearm, usually a handgun.
"Fuck wit me, and I'll bust a cap in yo ass, biatch!!"
"That fool was disrespectin' a brutha so I had to straight bust a cap in his ass!"
by Street Shakespeare December 5, 2006
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1. shooting somebody (usually with a handgun)
2. coming/climaxing in somebody
by biiiiiiiiitch! December 3, 2010
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