A term used when best friends of the opposite sex call each otherr... Usually meaning they want to date,
Are you dating your buffle yet?
by JUJUJUJU:) November 4, 2009
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buffled means confused, lost etc.
u can say it if for example u dont know what to do, what to say, basically you are confused
person 1. what classroom do we have english in today?
person 2. i dont know, im buffled
by cuddlez May 25, 2007
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A clown/state-of-being induced by alcohol/drug intoxication in heroic doses. Buffle's manner of speaking is very similar to Pennywise the Dancing Clown's, although his shenanigans are less sinister.

Buffle has frustrated authorities for years as he can only appear when an individual is inebriated beyond normal human capacities and thus cannot fulfill any continuous disciplinary sentence.

The word has recently entered popular use as a verb, where the act of becoming buffled indicates a state of non-sobriety sufficient to invoke the clown's existence.
Buffle: "Oh yes, Georgie. They float. They all float."
by Buffle June 22, 2010
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Theatre term - to pad a piece of scenery to stop it from rattling
We spent the last few hours buffling the set in preparation for opening night
by Showbiz Woofter March 15, 2008
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If the hapkido technique is used correctly, she should buffle.
by NowIknowmyABCs December 11, 2010
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After I was abducted, the advanced alien species started to buffle the scared bald white man with the cans and he would not give them the satisfaction of screaming in pain because he was enjoying it too much.
by Superbitch November 7, 2004
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Noun. An Engineer with Bonobo like tendencies.
After the launch meeting Shane was being a Buffle
by Leisttat January 15, 2010
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