Sombody who likes to beta they meat to animals. They also like to suck smelly toes and stick it up their booty hole
by GOCrazyAHHH May 19, 2020
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an expression of brotherly endearment;
derived from a combination of the words "broski" and "bro" as pronounced by Leonardo DiCaprio in Blood Diamond (pronounced bru or brew)
Hey, bruski, watsup?
by a bruski January 9, 2009
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A Bruski is a European term for enjoying a cold beer with a Polish politician. Undoubtedly, the culture of drinking alcohol is highly developed in Poland. Its roots go back to the times of monarchy and nobility, the pope John Paul II once declared “eat, drink and loosen your belt”, to many of the young boys in his care. This way of spending time is still very popular in Poland. However, do not suppose that you will see Polish streets full of overweight or drunk people.
I really could kill a bruski, no really I think I killed a bruski.
by coltinn July 1, 2011
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A similar term to that of " Bru" , a "Bruski" however is often used in a far more sarcastic way. As it mocks those who say " Bru" often.
Some shouts " Hello my bru "

Someone responds " Oh howzit my bruski!" ( sarcastic tone of voice)
by Grommie101 April 18, 2011
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Not too brusque and not too husky. Usually has a bit of scruff on his face, but still maintains a look of good hygiene. Someone you’d want to be with during a zombie apocalypse. The perfect example of a ruggedly handsome guy.

Ex: Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Jensen Ackles, Denzel Washington, George Clooney
She’s not into Guidos or Preppy guys, she likes them a bit more brusky.
by TheSingleMommaSaga July 4, 2018
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The act of taking one's nuckles and running them vertically up someones spine instead of down, thus creating an intense burn
by ABDL2023 August 1, 2023
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