A replacement for “lit” or “Gucci”. It means cool or nice.
“Your dress is really pretty.”

Thanks! It’s pretty brisk.”
by secretly_a_gamer April 24, 2019
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Brisk Iced Tea (a bottled drink found in many stores) is bought generally when one doesn't want to carry a fountain drink in a disposable cup. A bottle is far superior.
"Yo man why didn't you get a fountain drink?"
"Nah man id rather get a Brisk, you can close it and refill it with water later."
by De_licious October 1, 2018
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Something cool or fresh, usually having to do with sober fun. Can also be found in the adjective form "brisky".
"Yo that's hella brisk."
by sequoia asshole September 22, 2014
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Person 1: oh my dad couldn't do that
Person 2: well your dad's a dick then
Person 1: my dads dead
by jimbobhas September 8, 2010
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Code word for drinking, drunk, or high!
Alex: Lets get brisked (drunk.)
Taylor: Ok, ill brisk it up tonight!
Hayley: Hells Yea!
by remlap October 18, 2008
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When you hold the record for worlds largest forehead
Man that guy forehead is massive. What a briske
by Chickinfinger47 February 11, 2022
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A person who is negatively referred to as "brisk". "Brisk" implies that they are out for a quick time and not a long time. Or that they are a quick slut/hoe. Infers quick, dirty sex, usually repetitively sought.
"She was acting REAL brisk". "His relationship with Patricia was beyond brisk." "All their sexual encounters are REAL brisk."
by Wordsworthwizard January 25, 2019
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