actually the a term that 80's kids gave to morning detention. The director of THE BREAKFAST CLUB (WHOOP) changed it to just be a saturday detention.
'ugh i got put in the breakfast club for strapping his buns together'
by ewgvwg March 25, 2006
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A group of friends who always hang out or a group of people you never thought would be friends
You see Logan over there with that kid John? Man, I've saw him with five other completely different people..Such a breakfast club
by WeekendsAreLife July 15, 2017
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Verb: The action of going to multiple restaurants, not just for breakfast, with friends or other people who are extremely indecisive. Usually it takes forever and you drive around town multiple times before anyone even has an Idea where they would like to eat.
Guy 1: Man did you remember that time we drove around forever because your friend couldn't make up his mind on what to eat?
Guy 2: Yeah, I really didn't plan to go breakfast clubbing that day, I needed to be somewhere.
by kariya kikkushin January 9, 2011
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also the breakfast club

the best movie i have ever seen in my life. its about a brain, a jock, a basketcase, a princess, and a criminal who get a saturday detention for 9 hours and they get to know each other for who they really are, and not just what they look like.

i personally like the criminal. he can light a match on his teeth, and so can i.
"can i have my doobage?"

"he gets up, we'll all get up, it'll be anarchy!"

"you won't let a guy stick his tongue in your mouth, but you'll eat that?!?!"
by im the criminal June 23, 2005
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The best movie alive -- shows kids struggles and stuff about all types of kids with comedy romance and drama also under the breakfast club
does barry manilow know that u raid his wardrobe?
by AKA March 13, 2005
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Collective name for those ridiculous characters invented by cereal companies to market their products to little kids (Tony the Tiger, Toucan Sam, the Trix rabbit, Captain Crunch, Count Chocula, etc.)
(scene from "The Breakfast Club")
Tony the Tiger: "Christmas? Yep, it was a banner year at the ol' Tiger residence. My dad hands me a pack of cigarettes and says 'Smoke up, Tony, THEY'RE GRRRREEEAAAT!"
by Nick D July 22, 2004
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one of the best 80s teen movies about these five High school students a Jock a Preppy a beauty Queen a Weirdo and a Thug who spend the whole saturday in Detention and end up baring there souls to each other
by Admir DeMondo April 24, 2004
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