A fun word to google translate to english using somali
"ooga booga cooga nuuba ooga ooga" translates to "keeps track of your wounds"
by Somali Prince October 10, 2017
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Nineteenth century British Army slang for "ugly bugger", used to describe the natives of the Sudan.
Viceroy Wellpointe viewed the ooga booga he was to bed tonight and rather wished he was in Dar es Salaam where the local trollops were much more to his liking.
by nilpferd July 20, 2003
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ooga booga is a sense of fear whomst ever feels threatened. Ooga booga can also be used to cancel a conversation you don’t want to have. It is very essential for life. Use it freely and become one with god.
Ex: Can I talk to you? I need to have a conversation with you.
Tom: Ya what is it?

Ex: I still like you after I broke up with you.
Tom: Ooga booga
by TomatoTits January 7, 2019
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This little black boy in my theater class that tried to slap me
you little ooga booga why did you slap me
by chefboyarkeith November 1, 2018
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From the Three 6 Mafia Song 'Got It 4 Sale'

'Told da Feds, we were shipping dope to Memphis straight from Cuba, get the ruga, we gon do em', have em' spooked like ooga booga.'
by Reese Monroe September 14, 2012
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When you do the act of scaring someone out of the shadows of your basement.
Persons 1: “OOGA BOOGA!”
Person 1: “My bad man, didn’t mean too.”
by ?cupp¿ February 12, 2023
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The word you use whenever you need to scare your family members, but have no creativity left to come up with a better prank. (how disappointing)
Family Members: (sarcastically) Ahh, I'm so scared

Timmy: Oh, okay, but I got y'all really good.
by easportsitsinthegame() January 26, 2021
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