A person with Diarreea of the mouth who makes everyone miserable just for the sheer sadistic pleasure of it.
Alton stole all of his mother's money and threw in the garbage. He laughed when she started yelling because he knew that there was nothing she could do to stop him.
by Shinsui Nagaski May 16, 2008
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I live in the ghetto or in other words Alton, IL.
by Kasten April 18, 2006
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pikey filled area similar to bordon. family is linked between these two towns.
common conversation between someone from alton and another higher class person....
Person A "aiteee bruv"
Person B (An outsider) "Do i know you?"
Person A "nah but just being polite innit boi"
by -.-.-.- September 13, 2007
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a gay person who likes to follow stephen and maddox around because he thinks they are cute
Maddox- "Alton stop following us".
Alton- "But ya'll are super cute and i want to date yall
by 13;ic3vp1;3f;i1 August 15, 2019
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a really cute guy that plays sport and is also a jock
by Anonymous October 12, 2003
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