The word or phrase used to describe utter autism
I called my dog Syndrome just to say Down Syndrome
by UnnecessaryName April 25, 2017
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noun. A person with unlikeable social peculiarities that prevents most people from developing a close relationship with him or her.

A person who is the embodiment of unlikeable qualities.
I have known my brother-in-law for over eight years and I still can't like him. He is a syndrome.
by koozagar July 28, 2011
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A word used to describe a hyper, A.D.D., six-year-old-like behaviour.

Can be shortened to the word "syns."
That kid watching Pokemon is so syndrome.

Your little brother is so syndrome, he tried to stab me with a plastic Power Ranger sword.

Tell your syndrome friend to stop breaking things in my room.

He is so syns.
by Harrison Ziv July 18, 2006
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The idiot villain from The Incredibles who really should have fought more.
I would have loved to see Mr. Incredible go Bruce Lee/Jet Li/Jackie Chan all up in Syndrome's ass.
by Marcus Reed August 20, 2006
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When I get too old I'll sell my inventions so that everyone can be super. And when everyone's super... no one will be.
by ChestnutChewer December 5, 2004
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The condition where one loves oneself too much. They will often perform the T - O demonstration in the endzone, while not celebrating with teammates. All actions are for the profit of the individual and not the team/group. They will attempt to committ suicide, only to call it an accident. They will continually fall asleep during meetings, not appologize, only to state that this issue was established when they signed their contract. They will blame their legendary Super Bowl winning ex-coach on their team's downfalls, not their own actions of leading the league in dropped footballs. New forms of TO Syndrome have spread to other individuals including Reggie Bush. In this new condition, one pounds their own poster after they have scored a Touchdown or completed a great accomplishment. They point at the Pro Bowler Brian Urlacher before scoring a Touchdown. They also get drafted 2nd and claim they deserve #1 money.
Terrell Owens, Reggie Bush, Gilbert Arenas are professional athletes with TO syndrome.
by Wes Thompson February 4, 2007
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That intense feeling of paranoia that you suffer when you're not sure where you stand with a girl you like
ted> dude i really like this chick and it's really eating me up inside
dave> dude you've got syndrome man
by zeo April 20, 2005
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