3 definitions by zeo

Term used by brazillians which means "Pau no seu cú!" (means "Wood in your ass!")

player 1: hey you idiot
player 2: what?
player 1: you are a fucking asshole, you son of a *****
player 2: PNSC!
player 1: huh?
by zeo January 30, 2008
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A fat spliff / joint / jazz fag / marley cigarette.
From the film withnail and I, with Richard E Grant
Withnail: Who says it's a Camberwell Carrot?
Danny: I do. I invented it in Camberwell, and it looks like a carrot.
by zeo July 12, 2005
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That intense feeling of paranoia that you suffer when you're not sure where you stand with a girl you like
ted> dude i really like this chick and it's really eating me up inside
dave> dude you've got syndrome man
by zeo April 20, 2005
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