A form of measurement used extensively in Europe.
1) Le meters they have 100 centimetres.

2) Das kilometres, each has 1000 meters
by Denozzo August 3, 2008
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A meter is also a hammer a handle a tool a four pound the toast whatever you like; a gun
Y'all all be talkin' all that bullshit, 'till the dons come through with the meter sprayin.'
by Philip Stephenson November 30, 2004
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A measure of distance in countries where the people are oppressed by their governments.
Comrade, the gulag is 100 meters from here.
by Hareeln August 13, 2012
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1.Prussia`s awsome sitck down there... enough said

2.A Hetalia fan on LiveJournal made a list of average penis size by country. Since Prussia no longer exists (much to all Prussia's fans' chagrin), it was listed as having an average penis size of five meters.

3.A joke started by a fan about prussia

durring a discussion about the average penis sizes of men in various countries. As it was based on a recent survey using empirical data, information on Prussia was absent due to the dissolution of his country. After one fan stated that Prussia was "five meters long", the joke quickly caught on as a meme and fanworks with Prussia can often be seen referencing his "five meters", sometimes also called "five meters of awesome".
hetafan:how long is prussia`s awsome ness?
2 hetafan: about 5 meters

Prussia :Kesese
by lilymoonstar November 4, 2013
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The Scale that shows how scotchy someone is. At the top of the scale is the Scotchy Mother, then Pork Scotch. The Meter shows that no one in the Scotchy World is as Scotchy as The Scotchy Mother. She is even more scotchy than THE Pork Scotch.
Scotchy Mother: I'm the Scotchiest person in the world. The Scotchy Meter says so. I'm even Scotchier than my son, he'll never beat me.

Pork Scotch: Yes I will, Mum. Don't forget I'm a Koala.
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The asshole meter is a way that you can rate yourself to find out if you are a complete and utter asshole. The meter goes like this.

Level 1: Jerk, probably where most people fall on this list, they're generally nice people but at times can be a bit of a dickhead.

Level 2: Dick, this is the guy who you see calling girls "his bitches" and trying to get on every girl he sees.

Level 3: Douchebag, popped collar, hair gelled, sunglasses at night, you know the deal.

Level 4: Asshole, if you rate here, then you probably don't have many friends, you're an asshole all the time, you're that guy who scream at the drive through worker for ten minutes for forgetting the straw, or the guy who would literally steal candy from a baby.
Girl 1: I think I might like Joe.

Girl 2: Really he is such a douche on the asshole meter.

Girl 1: Really I only thought he was a dick?

Girl 2: Look at the collar! And it's ten o'clock at night, why the hell is he wearing sunglasses?
by ProjectACR April 22, 2011
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