Year’s Turban Factory is a strict labor facility that consist of creating, packaging, and sending out scarfs- I mean turbans. The workers are made up of Twitter trolls who’ve spoken ill about Yeats name and have been forcefully taken there to serve an eternity sentence of Twizz Labor.
You better stop trolling or you’ll get taken to Yeat’s Turban Factory in your sleep.
by Yeat Enthusiasts April 4, 2022
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When an Afghanistan person adjusts their turban and a pocket of trapped smelly air is released. Producing a queef like sound.
Rob: Andrew you're an asshole.

Andrew: Well, you're an Afghani turban queef.
by Johnny Twotone March 25, 2014
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when you are fucking a girl and you dont have a condom so you take her turban wrap it around your cock bang her then once you have jizzed put it back on her head
damn! i should have ran out and got condoms, instead i had to turkish turban that bitch
by DBEEEBSS April 17, 2008
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When an indian friend has a turban and thinks hes good at basketball
That muslim indian fat fuck is an All Star Turban
by All Star Turban November 16, 2014
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A swollen, throbbing erection seeking release.
"I unleashed the red-turbaned monkey and she begged me for more!"
by Remy11 April 14, 2006
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Da fancy-schmancy set of wheels dat Achmed drives now dat his "Achmedmobile" got blown to smithereens by da inebriated Bubba J's "touching da red button".
Achmed may indeed have viewed da Chrysler turban car as being a decidedly-major "step down" in da "badassthetics" department compared to his previous "flaming-skull hotrod" ride, but its appearance is way cooler and more "palatable" overall.
by QuacksO February 26, 2023
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When someone shits inside of a cloth or towel and puts it on their head/somebody else’s head like a turban
by Lulz Pack a punch December 30, 2021
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