When you’re gay for your homies, but you’re straight/bi/gay whatever; for anyone else.
Johnny has been spending a lot of time with his homies, do you think he’s Homiesexual?”
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Homiesexual is a term that refers to a gray area between gay and strait with your homies.It doesn’t matter if your a strait or gay homie,all can be homiesexual but it is most often used by strait homies and their fellow homies.When you’re with the homies you are free to practice Homiesexuality by acting gay around your homies as a sort of joke but,unless you are actually gay,you leave it behind when you leave your homies.
I’m not gay I’m Homiesexual” “I’m not Homosexual I’m Homiesexual there’s a difference
by Name_is_name December 14, 2021
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"Dude you look mad thick today"
It's not homosexual it's homiesexual
by Kolw September 13, 2019
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1 - It’s not gay if it’s with the bois
2 - An act of making sexual jokes with the bois
3 - Karl
Yo it’s only Homiesexual
by thetophatman October 10, 2021
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having sexual/ romantic feelings or desires for you homies (friends). common among middle school boys from the ages 12-14.
friend 1: hey sexy
random person: thats gay
friend 2 (who friend 1 was talking to): no hes homiesexual
by lexium999 February 8, 2022
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