A city in Maine. Probably named by some dude that hated life.
Guy 1: soo where do you live?

Hot chick: In Hell.

Guy 1: Uhh...wanna cyber?
by Reppin Da Tree Oh Figh December 29, 2005
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Why do I have to wake up at 7AM to go to hell?
by Angsty teen December 20, 2005
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Hell is a town in Michigan. And it's really cold in Michigan. I should know, for I live there, in the lower pennisula. The lp is also where Hell is located. It's a lie if any one says Hell doesn't freeze over! And a snowball has a better chance in Hell then in a turned on oven. Remember that.
Person: I'll go out with you when Hell freezes over.
Me: Then I'll talk to you come December.
by lethalSelphie January 1, 2005
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1. A famous gated retirement resort community for Republican politicians and televangists.
2. A city garbage dump and potters field for poor corpses, dead animals, and crucified persons without the means for any other type of burial located outside the walled city of Jerusalem during Hellenistic times. Known also as "Gehenna" it was the place "where the fires never go out, and the worm never dies." It was allegedly located on the site where centuries earlier lapsed Isrealites had once erected an ingenious idol to a Canaanite man-bull god named Moloch and sacrificed babies to it. The idol reportedly was rigged so that when a baby was placed upon its outstretched arms, the priest or "magician" would then trip a hidden lever, and to the awe of the dumbfounded audience the child would be flipped up through the bull's open mouth and down into to a sulfurous firepit built into the interior humanoid body of the statute.
If you have to ask the price of admission to Hell, you can't afford to go.
by A. Hick July 23, 2006
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A mythical place used as a futile attempt to give people morals and scare them into acting good.
If you believe that Hell exists, then you must believe that God is a cruel, merciless, prick.
by gothkid207 May 5, 2008
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Masters degree in International Affairs at Australian National University (ANU)
Too many essays too little time!!! we are not super humans people!! This is hell!!
by Caroline.t May 7, 2011
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