When you’re in love with something u just gotta “MOG!!!” Can also be used for when a food is so good.
MOG!!!! These fruit gummies are MOGGING!!!
by carcinogeneticist March 24, 2021
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A word used in the Final Fantasy universe that denotes Moogle related things. A small cat-like creature that often performs services.
Have you picked up supplies at the mog station?
by MallowM October 6, 2021
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Literally no idea what mog means. Not a single clue.
by Pumpernickelbreadsticks May 13, 2023
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term coined by modern-day bodybuilders, specifically Zyzz, meaning Maker Of Gains or someone who's either shredded as fuck or has a dominating physique.
Variations such as heightmog, IQmog, hairmog, jawmog
bruh I was taking pictures in the gym but this guy completely mogged me
by el mao xd August 2, 2022
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Mog - to have “more obvious gainz”. Most often used in the verb form “mogged” to refer to a past event where someone clearly had more obvious lifting gains than a person or people. Mogging is most applicable as a term when one looks good in front of the ladies.
Yo, did you see Phil recently? I mogged the shit out of him last time we stood near each other!
by Buenos Dias Mandy September 10, 2020
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to strip to your underwear and assert dominance over another because you have large muscles
Jonquel mogged me the other day and he asserted complete domination
by peterparker May 22, 2022
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Deriving from the Latin word, amogus, meaning masquerader or pretender, mog is a phrase commonly associated with popular indie survival adventure horror game among us.
Matt is such a mog! I can't believe he was a cop this whole time!
by Hamburger hom nom nom October 21, 2022
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