The technical term for a soldier. First coined during the 1990/91 Gulf War.
"Well it look like Jeff is going to be a low cost high velocity bullet stopper, I mean soldier."

"Yeah and I'm going Medical (corps) so try not to get shot Jeffie!"
by Olive Thomas July 11, 2005
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Noun; refers to a gay black dude’s dick. The term was coined in Mississippi in the late 20th century in response to an uptick in homosexual activity in black communities.
“Did you see the Mississippi Fart Stopper on that dude? I wouldn’t want that in my fart box.”
by KrustyKreatorofKaos March 28, 2022
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When you shove the worlds biggest gobstopper/jawbreaker in between your penis skin.
Person 1: Hey dude, I saw on your snap chat story where you did a Penis stopper challenge!
Person 2: Yeah, when I did it the jawbreaker broke, it felt so painful I had to put ice on it then lick the water out my penis hole.
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The Titty Stopper is made of all natural ingredients. It is supposed to help you breast addicted children to get off of your nipple for milk. This remedy is made of siracha, cinnamon, salt, and rice vinegar.
Oh my gosh! Brittany you have to try this new remedy called the Titty Stopper!”
by Tt_favorite February 9, 2018
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A syringe that has something that will stop the flow of blood in one’s body.
by MaybeARealWord January 13, 2022
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An alternate way to say ' tampon', meant to be intentionally offensive to uptight people or amusing to the dirty minded.
My girl is on her period, I got sent to get her some twat stoppers.
by SevenEvils April 19, 2015
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A hater who never stop hating no matter what.When u step your game up they change their hater tactics. Never endless hating.
You see the gob stopper haters they never give up!
by garthun August 13, 2009
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