The term for a man of better than average quality in the crotchial region. Usually at least 9 inches.
You know, they call me nine inch nixon.

Why's that?

*Unzips pants*

by BigNinjaJoe December 12, 2011
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The Richard Nixon effect named after the president of the same name.

When a solution, produces the opposite outcome, opposite to the intended purpose, this can have very harmful outcome that is counterproductive.
And example of the Richard Nixon effect is when the School decided to ban physical contact. The students started high fiving way more often. The Richard Nixon effect is an example of making things illegal doesn’t fix the problem.
by Lone wolf sirius February 22, 2021
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The denial of one's own bisexuality (in favor of speciously identifying as "homosexual" or as one of several synonyms for "bisexual," or eschewing a sexuality label entirely) in an attempt to avoid being the object of biphobia. Refers to actress Cynthia Nixon.
He issued a Nixon Denial in the same breath as he confirmed his romantic relationships with people of at least three genders. But if he wants to identify as "flexisexual," I suppose that's his prerogative.
by Tiggy Upland February 4, 2014
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The largest, most odiferous bowel movement of the day, one that usually occurs in the morning. This movement is often accompanied by or caused my an extremely upset stomach, due to fears of the government, the president, the situation in Iraq, terrorism, medicare, the state of the world...
Man, did you just shed your morning tear for Nixon, dude? It stinks in here.
by DebWeb January 22, 2006
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A big fat, idiot who is most typically found near schools acting like an idiot. Beware as these creatures are contagious
The Dominic Nixon taunted children with his acts.
by dedwasqdew September 26, 2018
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Top milf in your area, she will give it to anyone for a pack of watsits
“Yo you heard of joe nixon?” “yh gave her a pack of watsits for a blowy
by clxrted May 14, 2021
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