Dusty: *randon question out of nowhere*

Me: wtf??!
by anime September 30, 2005
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Son: so, my dad has a fb now... WTF!
Dad: what does wtf mean?
Son: Welcome To Facebook
by Lucio Soph December 6, 2010
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*playing Halo* "WTF? n00b!!!" ~ almost every player on Halo
by Dirge January 30, 2005
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1. Used after becoming aware of an unbelievable or astonishing subject. Acronym for "What The F---?!"
2. In cases such as Amy the Slasher, it may also represent "Wells That Frequent?!" After one becomes aware of the well in her backyard she uses to dump her victims. The very notion of a well in a backyard prompts one to exclaim —— well, you know*. For more, see oh-so-convenient.

*Note: For those whose minds run at a lower rpm, that which one would exclaim here is not "Well, you know." Indeed, it is "wtf?!"
1. At the restaurant part of the date, Shannon complains to the waiter, "Waiter, there's tomato in my hair soup!"
Mike exclaims, "Wtf?!"

2. After seeing 138 wells along the countryside on the road trip, a frustrated Jason bursts, "WTF?!"
by Nuclear Tank Factory March 12, 2009
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When used with a question mark, someone is asking What The Fuck because they can't believe that how utterly insane something is.

When used with an exclamation point someone is says Wow That's Fantastic! This case is usually sarcastic, though because Fantastic really means Insane.
"WTF? I showed you how to type in your username and password 3 times and you still can't figure out how to log into your computer?"

"WTF! You got a promotion for sitting on your ass while I did all of the work!"
by SoWaky December 12, 2008
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Stood for What The Fuck but changed to White Trash Fuckers after

Donald J. Trump was elected to presidency.
At a Trump rally
Person 1: WTF
Person 2: IKR I was like what the fuck when I saw all these people too.
Person 1: No I mean everyone here is a white trash fucker.
by Excalibur with Numbers November 21, 2016
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WTF (Windows Text File) is a plain-text file format developed by Microsoft. It is intended for storing text information in readable form. Many users report problems opening it, because most systems don't know what to do with the .wtf file extension. The resulting error messsage "WTF? Unknown file extension!" is widely known. The chat acronym WTF is commonly used to signify uncertainty or unpleasant surprise.

As part of Microsoft's effort to develop free, open, user-friendly software environments, it is constantly improving file formats. After WMV (Windows Media Video) and (WMA - Windows Media Audio), it published proposals for WMP (Windows Media Picture) and WTF (Windows Text File) in May, 2006.

"WTF?" is the usual response by many users, who are not sure how Microsoft intends to compete with TXT format. Microsoft's release timeline calls for the TXT format to be made obsolete within months, by disallowing Windows Vista to open .txt files.
System Requirements

* '$30.00' license fee for usage
* Cheese grater
* 76 IQ maximum (any more and KERNEL32 takes a dive)
by Kodiac1 December 11, 2006
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