A creepy self absorbed guy who thinks he is gods gift to woman only to find out later that his only friend is his own tiny calloused over used penis wrinkle.
Hey,Jenny want to take a nap ( code for spooning )?

Uhhh no Cliff what are you a sketchy perv?
by Fed up with sketchy pervs November 13, 2009
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Lauren: "All my friends and I have slept with Jim, but we steer clear of the rest of these guys, they're real sketchy."
by Croato February 9, 2009
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when text responsiveness is patchy
You know I'm text-sketchy between 3-8 because I'm dealing with the kids. Best to text me later.
by Holly M S December 8, 2010
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To sneak out of a party or club without letting any of your friends know that you are leaving.
"What happened to her last night?"
"I don't know, she sketchy bounced."

"They were bugging me so I sketchy bounced"
by Snippyvixen February 3, 2010
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When Michael Jordan had the memorable "Flu Game" the night before the team was hanging out and ordered a pizza, playing in Utah, the fans would do whatever they could to wreck MJ before the game, so a 5 guys showed up at the door to deliver the pizza which they had spit all over to give MJ the flu.
Guy 1: Yo I'm feeling kinda shaky after those 5 guys delivered the pizza last night.
Guy 2: I told you bro, that reminded me of the MJ sketchy pizza.
by A$AP HOSS April 13, 2015
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A person under the influence of a bean. He or she may appear unable to relax.
Sketchy Mikes may ask questions like:

“Do you like mayonnaise?”
“What is the capital of Wyoming?”

Sketchy Mikes can be found asleep on a floor.
Sketchy Mikes are not dangerous.
by SketchyMike November 1, 2017
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Someone in a position of power either due to their title or general physical strength that is acting abnormal enough to make one feel unsafe or uncomfortable in their presence.

Derived from a play on words in reference to Jesse Ventura, the 38th Governor of Minnesota and former wrestler of the WWF and the word Sketchy.
Bill: How did the meeting go?
Ted: Great, until Mr. Rickard went all Sketchy Ventura on me.
Bill: What happened?
Ted: He started sword fighting himself with his pen, while humming the old school Batman theme during my presentation on last quarter.

A great cinematic example of this would be Mr. Lumberg's dealings with Milton in Office Space.
by Rooks February 28, 2007
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