1-stuff comes from cows

1-i lvoe cheese!!

2-alright, who cut the cheese?
by Maybelline July 7, 2006
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wild jigglypuff appeared and ate your cheese

i farted and a lot of cheese came out
by cheesepuffs July 21, 2009
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Yo, ddaawwwggg, i need some cheese, son!
by joe February 26, 2005
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the stuff that sells like poo when it gets warm but cheese is tasty when cold. comes in diffrent flavors.the newest flavor is the one that tastes anchovies.
some cheese is good some is bad.
by Jace m. July 22, 2005
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disgusting food which smells bad; can cause cancer.
"I ate cheese and now I have cancer."
by Kat itells truth January 28, 2006
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a code name for pornography, used in mixed company.
it is an excellent cover up.
dude i got caught with cheese again
by Bobbleheadboiie February 10, 2008
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