Adj: A word describing how someone is the best writer you have ever seen, even better than a famous one. They can write about anything, even thigns they don't like to write about, and make it sound like the bet thing since white bread.
by songstobesung November 7, 2010
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Rampant in "chain of command" situations --- especially the military and "mega-biz" establishments --- whereby everybody wants to push underlings around but then hastily "passes the buck" and claims ignorance/innocence when things go sour. Refers to the deplorable practice of an arrogant/dictatorial/irresponsible/ignorant a**h**e with way too much power ("authority") giving unwise/ineffective/counter-productive orders to one or more hapless underlings, brusquely refusing to listen to their urgently-beseeching appeals about the fallacy/unfairness/danger of proceeding as he told them, but then suddenly shedding all knowledge/responsibility (i.e., not admitting that he was indeed the "author" of those crazy stipulations) regarding said preposterous directives whenever s**t hits the fan afterwards as a result of his subordinates' having reluctantly-but-obediently carried out his unwisely-mandated actions.
I long ago decided to not just blindly/arbitrarily follow orders/rules/laws, no matter what position or experience or education/training that their "authors" happened to supposedly possess... I **always** use my own judgement/conscience in all my actions. Too many times in the past, I've gotten in knee-deep doo-doo MYSELF for someone else's screw-ups in reasoning/planning, only to have said "idiot in power" pull da ol' "ghost writer" AUTHORity trick on me, never admitting or even falsely denying ever having told me to proceed that way, just so that HE would not have to suffer any of the fallout from his own preposterous directives.
by QuacksO August 25, 2018
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a beautiful unique guy who's eyes pop out.
Author Yip's eyes are popping out. Is that a new trend?
by hello hi haha February 1, 2023
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Authorities who preach moral values but practice immoral acts and who often live a secret hedonistic lifestyle. In some cases, Institutions like churches and political parties can create institutional barriers that help enable immoral acts.
The children in the Sunday school had a very hard time understanding the difference between a Moral Authority and an Immoral Authority. Some of the students found it especially hard to understand, especially those with first hand knowledge.
by mlhiss December 17, 2019
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At what age does someone get the authority to shut shit down? If they can shut something down at 40 something, they could do the same thing at 2, and if they couldn't do it at 2, they don't have the authority to at 40 something.
Authority or status is kind of like a title on a piece of paper or a plate of metal. It's about as meaningless as life itself.
by Solid Mantis April 27, 2021
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You are not an authority and this is a pretty egregious violation of my privacy. If it was happening to even one of them, then, I AM CORRECT AND YOU ARE INCORRECT. End of discussion. This was the only way to prove what I knew to be true. You don't need to like how I did it. It's already over. It's been over for 8 years. I'm just waiting for the thing to catch up...
Hym "You have no authority. You've ceded that entirely to the politicians you bitch about on a daily basis."
by Hym Iam August 23, 2023
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A pretentious, postmodern jerk-off idea, popular among some academics, that says that the creator of an artistic work is irrelevant to the work, that their thought processes and intentions in creating the work don't matter, that they are not an authority on the very thing that they created, and that YOU, the passive consumer of the work, are more qualified to know what the work is about than they are, who put tons of hard work and effort into creating it.
Who does this "Ray Bradbury" person think he is, saying that Fahrenheit 451 is about how nobody reads books anymore? *I* say it's about censorship, dammit! What does HE know, he only wrote the damn thing! Death of the author says that creators are just passive, empty vessels through which the Divine Muse speaks!
by q359 July 24, 2023
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