when you're man-crush moves to the next level, i.e. going gay with your best friend.
i heard that david bowie and mic jagger were once caught in a hotel starting punjabi bromance.
by gauldangnuga October 13, 2010
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the day after valentines day. When boys can show how much they love there friends, without being called "gay"
whereas in normal circumstances
if one were to hug another boy, they would be called "gay"
by jemimahhhrawrr February 15, 2011
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When you and a group of friends have a relationship that surpasses all gayness and awkwardness.

Name comes from the famous punk rock band My Chemical Romance.
Dude, there's nothing that can separate our friendship; it's like a goddamn My Chemical Bromance.
by omgitsthatkidanonymous March 12, 2010
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The member of a close group of friends that pays for everything so the group can actually do cool stuff.
Aaron: You coming to the Knicks game?
James: I can't afford it.
Aaron: Don't worry, Robert will cover you. He's a bromance sugar daddy.
by M Gerund August 3, 2011
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Derived from the root word of Bro associated with the term of "bro rape". It consists of typical "bros" congregating together consuming their traditional beverage of natty light or ice, and entertaining themselves with the Game Cube. A type of bonding that "bros" share amongst each other.
"Hey bro want to come up to my room and game it up with the cube and natty" -Bromance
by el_borracho1124 June 25, 2009
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they're in love.
they text all day and night. it's ty and mikey's bromance.
by team nigeria June 25, 2010
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An affection of 2 homosexuals touching each others balls. Bromance explosion is just the climax. (Also can be 2 guys to afraid to admit they are gay and too scared to come out of the closet and lose their heterosexual friends.)
2 gay males in love with each other and bum poking. Bromance explosion is the act of ejaculating on each other. (Obviosly gay.) Using the word bromance leads to becoming gay. (Bromancing the stone, loving each others testicales)
by A guy that knows stuff July 4, 2010
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