In serious trouble. Typically Australian version of "up the creek without a paddle."
When I reached for my credit card and found it was gone, I understood I was up shit's creek in a barbed-wire canoe.
by octopod August 25, 2004
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a means of descibing something horrendously ugly or disgusting.
"Woo, she's uglier than a cow's ass sewed up with barbed wire."
by Ariluto April 18, 2006
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When a girl with braces has a siezure while giving you a blowjob
Guy1: yeah this girl with braces was giving me head and then had a siezure ripping my dick apart
Guy2: damn bro you got a barbed wire blowjob
by Primitivebean March 15, 2022
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she is an iconic youtube channel and the most iconic youtuber period
yo Iconic Barb’s Niece is lit
by bxkxoxjxjkxkddk August 4, 2021
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when you put two figers and twist them up a ladies vagina
I barb wired montanna and she told me it hurt.
by tttaaayyylllooorrrryyyoooo April 11, 2010
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